7th CPC Salary Calculator 2024
Enter your Basic Pay, HRA %, and DA % to calculate your total salary.
Percentage Calculator
Enter a value and total to calculate the percentage.
BMI Calculator
Enter weight (kg) and height (cm) to calculate BMI.
Loan Calculator
Enter loan amount, interest rate (%), and loan term (years).
Mortgage Calculator
Enter home price, down payment, interest rate (%), and loan term (years).
Interest Calculator
Enter principal, interest rate (%), and time (years).
GPA Calculator
Enter total grade points and total credits.
Calorie Calculator
Enter weight (kg), height (cm), age, and activity level.
Age Calculator
Enter your birth date to calculate your age.
Tip Calculator
Enter bill amount and tip percentage.
Fraction Calculator
Enter numerator and denominator to simplify the fraction.
Date Calculator
Enter two dates to calculate the difference in days.
Pregnancy Calculator
Enter the date of conception to estimate due date.
Slope Calculator
Enter coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) to calculate slope.
Area Calculator
Select shape and enter dimensions to calculate area.
Volume Calculator
Select shape and enter dimensions to calculate volume.
Discount Calculator
Enter original price and discount percentage.
Time Calculator
Add or subtract time from a given time.
Scientific Calculator
Perform advanced calculations using operators (+, -, *, /, %).